Investment Returns

The potential of the Investment market is unlimited. You can earn high returns by investing in a secure portfolio account without being skilled at Investment.


Our Investment service has undergone a compliance check by multiple international auditing firm. We share newsletters and regular updates about what happens in the company


You can withdraw your profits, or all of your funds, at any moment via dashboard. You can also spread your risks by investing in several diversified accounts.

SECURE trusted

Security and customer satisfaction is our watchword. We have the best security to protect your digital assets

What we do?

Ultimate Primes has been engaged in wealth management since 2012 till date. Many years of experience in the financial markets allowed us to take a leading market position and to develop the investment model, which until recently was only available in several countries for a small number of corporate partners.


Currency Calculator

Our payment options are Bitcoin & USDT, so can calculate the rates here on our UT FxT calculator. USDT is a stable coin that has the same value as the US Dollar ($)

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We keep your assets safe

Your security and trust are important to us. We're committed to protecting your account with the highest standards of security available..

Payment Options

We trade with different stocks, but our main payment option is Bitcoin and USDT.

Legal Compliance

We have all documented licence and certifications issued by World Standards.

Covenient Trading

We offer custodianship to both new and existing clients. Our process are user friendly.

Strong Security

For years now, UT FxT has securely stored a fortune at our two escrow vaults.

Competitive Commissions

Recieve the best but fair commissions from time to time.

World Coverage

Our reach is all over the world, and we have happy customers from over 40+ countries.

Advanced Reporting

Recieve live statistics and information about trading returns on our sleek user interface.

Margin Trading

It's our job to sweat the small stuff, we make sure your asset is safeguarded from any fraud while you work.

No Experience?
No worries

We help make transactions more secure by keeping the payment in a secure escrow account which is only released when all of the terms of an agreement are met as overseen by the escrow company.

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How To Get Started

We are committed to offer cutting edge services in cryptocurrency mining and trading. Our team of Professional analysts and experts in the crypto currency space, work tirelessly to ensure that we offer you stable, reliable and extremely long-term cooperation, the result of which will certainly be the rapid growth for us and guaranteed profits for you.

How to Register


STARTER 10x/DAILY PROFIT Minimum: £500 Maximum: £4,999 Referral Bonus: 3% Customer Support:24/7 Invest
BUSINESS 10x/DAILY PROFIT Minimum: £5,000 Maximum: £ 9,999 Referral Bonus: 3% Customer Support: 24/7 Invest
STANDARD 10x/DAILY PROFIT Minimum: £10,000 Maximum: £19,999 Referral Bonus: 3% Customer Support: 24/7 Invest
DELUXE 10x/DAILY PROFIT Minimum: £20,000 Maximum: £49,999 Referral Bonus: 3% Customer Support:24/7 Invest
PREMIUM 10x/DAILY PROFIT Minimum: £50,000 Maximum: £99,999 Referral Bonus: 3% Customer Support:24/7 Invest
VIP 10x/DAILY PROFIT Minimum: £100,000 Maximum: £100,000 AND ABOVE Referral Bonus: 3% Customer Support:24/7 Invest

User Ranking

We have exciting ranking offers for our investors where investors can get a range of bonus to fufill the requirments

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Affiliate Marketing?

Earn commissions through affiliate marketing and forming successful partnership. By sharing our platform with others and you can earn profits as you build teams and collect a percentage of all fees!

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